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                     苏州旭尧物流设备有限公司生产基地座落于美丽的江南水乡苏州太湖ㄨ湖畔, 是一家⊙专注于提供先进物流输送系统, 核心业务主要有:自动化设备的方案咨询、设计、制造、安装、调试及其他的配套服务。公司本着诚信经营,合作共赢的经营理念,多年来与国内外客户的合作中积累了大量的宝贵经验和优质案例,公司注册资金500,拥有多项专利和自有品牌ARES ®输送机、辊筒, SUN®输送机、辊筒。

                我司产品广泛应用于仓储物流、医药物流、汽车行业、食品、提升机、穿梭车、辊筒等生产型企业。公司秉持“达成行业ζ中坚,创造一流ζ 企业”的目标,倡导“创新、专业、诚信、双赢”的企业理念,再创物流输送行业新产品的研发和生产,积极开拓国内外市场,搭建赢利型供应链网络,互利共荣、共创辉煌。

                发展理念:创新务实 超越自我 追求卓越

                技术理念:日新月异 永远领先

                服务理念:客∞户的需求 用户的满◆意


                合作理念:尊重平等 实现双赢


                     Su Zhou Xu Yao Logistics Equipment Co .Ltd  is located in beautiful su zhou around Tai lake ,which specializes in providing advanced logistics delivery system , the core business principally evolved into consulting designing manufacturing installing debugging and other supporting services in automatic equipment. With the business concepts of credit management and win-win cooperation, our company has accumulated many valuable experience and  successful business  from the cooperation of the domestic and foreign customers for many years. The company registered capital of 500 million ,which have many patents and independent brand, like ARES® conveyor and rollerSUN® conveyor and roller.

                    Our products are extensively used in warehouse logistics medical logisticsautomotivefood industry elevator shuttleroller and other production-oriented enterprises. With the target of “to achieve the top best industry ,to create the best enterprise”, advocated the philosophy of  innovation, professional, integrity and a win-win business, our company will continuously research and development in logistics and transport, and energetically  to exploit domestic and foreign markets ,we will very glad to build a profit model in supply chain network, and try our best to serve you and hope to become one of your best business partner .welcome new and old customers, business associations, friends from all parts of the world to contact us and seek cooperation for mutual benefits.